We collect no information about our visitor's domain, but we do collect information about our visitor's email address when available.
For visitors on our website we collect:
* The email address and personal information from visitors who post on our website.
* The email address and personal information from the visitors who communicate with us via email.
* Aggregate (General Tracking) information about pages that users visit on our site.
* Any information given to us by users that contact us via inquiry form, survey, etc.
The information that we collect is used for:
* Delivering custom content to our website visitors.
* Improving the quality of our website content and user friendliness for a better user experience.
* Contact information for marketing purposes, including newsletters, emails or periodic advertisements from our company.
* Not Shared with any outside organization for commercial purposes. We may still share this information for tracking and other non-commercial purposes.
We do not set any cookies for any purpose.
If you are currently receiving a newsletter or emails from us and would like to stop receiving them, please notify us by contacting us by email, at the above address.
We do not partner or use any 3rd party ad services or content delivering services.
For questions regarding our privacy policy or website in general, please contact me via the contact form.